Guest artists
In our tattooshop "The Tattican" we have several world class guest artists working. Info by phone: 020-7006606, appointments email the artist or just walk in. The artist you want to visit may have a waitinglist.It's on the second floor of the first building.
Our guest artists:
Enrique Castillo
Enrique Castillo will be working with us for only two days. Amazing black and grey work! Appointments:

Louis the Tattooist
Louis Dominguez, Louis the Tattooist, will be working at the Tattican October 1st and 2nd. Amazing Chicano style tattooing! Get an appointment, contact him at:
instagram loumunati

Tattoorich and Bong Padilla from Hawaii will be our guest artists early October!

Bong Padilla
Bong Padilla and Tattoorich will be our very special guest artists from Hawaii!

Traditional tattooing from Borneo and Mentawai in the museum!

Augustine N.
Augustine N. is a tattoo artist from Gimmelove Tattoo Singapore and specializes in Oriental-style Tattoos.
For more info and appointments:

Jondix & Freddy Corbin
An update for new guest artists this and next year.
We don't know the dates yet, so get on the waiting list for new updates:

Tassos Sgardelis
For appointments and info:
Comments for 'Guest artists'
Steve Byrne, Valerie Vargas, Bert Krak, All of the Spider Murphy tattooist.
Hi is corey miller going to be working at your shop anytime next year?
We hope he will in the future! As soon as we know anything, we'll put it on the site.
hi everyone! i wanted to know if angelique houtkamp is ever gonna work with you..please let me know,i love her and your shop guys :)
is mister cartoon gonna come somewhere this year or next year.
I plan to be visiting in the fall. When will Fall artists be posted on teh site?
How about Luke Wessman or Troy Denning.
Any chance of getting Mike Roper, Grime, Cory Kruger or Saira Hunjan to do a spot? And anyone more painful than Mick, I'd like to see that!
Perhaps a Thai buddhist monk who can tattoo Sak Yant tattoos by hand?
Thanks for your suggestions! We'll keep an eye open and as soon as we have a new guest artist, we'll put it in our newsletter and later at our website.
is er nog plek bij pili mo'o in april ?
Hallo Marc, ik hoorde net dat Pili toch iets langer blijft dus ik denk het wel! Mail : en dan kan ik even kijken! Groet
Can you put me on the waiting list for Tim Hendricks?
Thanks! :)
Tim's waiting list is full, you can come for walk ins.
May be you can invite Chris Garver, that should be great.
We've had contact with Chris, he will come over and work with us. We have no dates yet though. Keep checking our website and facebook.
Als ik naar het museum toe ga is er dan de mogelijkheid dat je dan met tim hendricks op de foto kan ?
Met vriendelijke groet,
Hey do you think davee blows will be a guest ?
Any news on when Corey miller will be tattooing at the museum?